What follows is the research about SADNESS I pulled together for JOY IS NOW Episode 68 with SAMANTHA RUBLE.   SADNESS Many years ago when I was in private practice, I shared a sentiment that proved to be extremely effective in helping my patients gain perspective. And it was this, “it would be weird if you weren’t.”   I discovered after working with patients of all ages and varied concerns that a lot of the time, we equate normal with only feeling happy. And that’s just not the case. Normal, if there even is such a one dimensional thing, actually consists of a multitude of emotions. Healthy, from a psychological perspective means we are impacted by our internal and external life...

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This week I host for a THESE THREE THINGS segment discussion, marine biologist, water-lover, turtle nerd, embarrassing Dad, creator of useful words, and author of the best selling book,  BLUE MIND, Dr. Wallace J. Nichols. We talk the importance of getting in the water,  inviting others to what brings us joy, and the movement to bring psychology and ecology together to discuss climate change and mental health. GET IN THE WATER. Listen HERE, it's a good one! EPISODE LINKS:WALLACE NICHOLS, PH.DBLUE MINDPATREONINSTAGRAMTWITTER

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WHY A LITTLE IS A LOT PSYCHOLOGY AND THE 2% My first job out of graduate school was my psych dream job. Wow, right? I was hired as head of Counseling Services at The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in downtown San Francisco. And it was amazing. I worked with an incredible team of creative educators, talked fashion with my colleagues all day long and was blessed with the most creative hard working fashion students as clients. It was fun and hard and all you can imagine working on a creative college campus might be. For me, it was a near perfect match. This might be news to you, but art students work hard. Really hard. And fashion school...

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A quick scan of popular wellness websites for the word rejuvenation, results in countless quick tips on how to feel renewed, energetic and stress free. Sounds good, right? Lots of suggestions, some better than others, but what nearly all the lists have in common, is getting outside. Whether it is a quick walk around the block with the dogs, or a day long adventure on the trails, we know that when it comes to rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, getting outside is highly effective. Because, quite simply, it works.  There are countless studies supporting the positive impact of being out in nature. Even simply listening to nature sounds can have a significant effect on our cognition, nervous system and...

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When it comes to happiness, my mind immediately wanders through my childhood and inevitably lands on Charlie Brown. Mere mention of Charlie Brown or any of his friends makes me long for tiny Christmas trees and oversized great pumpkins. Chances are if you’re Gen X you remember the musical, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. And maybe, just maybe, you sang the song Happiness in your school choir. I did and I’m old enough to have seen it come around for a second time at my daughter’s school. It’s a brilliant song, filled with lyrics pointing to simple pleasures, alongside standout deep as hell concepts as, “And happiness is being alone every now and then.  And happiness is coming home...

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