This week I host for a THESE THREE THINGS discussion, founder and co-owner of the Los Angeles based home fragrance company P.F. Candle Co. and co-author of book At Home with Fragrance, KRISTEN PUMPHREY. We talk the multitudes of leadership, including multiple truths, change in small increments, and how to foster success as a  psychologically minded leader.   Both things can be true:  This is a motto I’ve adopted in the past year to help push through some difficult situations. It breaks you out of black/white thinking and understanding every situation has shades of gray and nuance. It doesn’t diminish someone else’s experience. Their experience is valid. Say a customer is upset with their product and you won’t accept a return....

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WHY BOUNDARIES ARE MISUNDERSTOOD Let’s talk boundaries.  Again. And then like 10 more times after that. Because boundaries deserve a lot of discussion and also, I’m hearing a lot of things on social media about boundaries, and a lot of it is trash. Hear me out.  Boundaries are a courtesy we extend each other.  You’ve heard me say this before. I’ve had this little sentence in my therapist tool kit for close to 20 years. This outlook on boundaries, which I like to conceptualize as one free from value judgment came to be during my years as a college mental health counselor. Working with kids, both young and old encourages a constant wide focus and reframing of psychological concepts. For...

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This week I host for a THESE THREE THINGS discussion, Portland based creative mastermind and Senior Vice President of the brands Em & Friends and Knock Knock, cofounder of the nonprofit The Long Table, coauthor of the bookThere Is No Good Card for This: What to Say and Do When Life is Scary, Awful, and Unfair to People You Love, and fellow psych enthusiast, EMILY MCDOWELL. We talk the different between self punishment and service, lessons from failure, and the gift of quitting.  It’s impossible to punish yourself into feeling good. We can’t know what the future holds, and things that seem awful at first can ultimately turn out to be exactly what we need. Choosing to change course or let go...

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I wanted to include our JOY discussion with ideas put forth by some of my favorite writers. First, in Nine Stories, JD Salinger writes this, “The fact is always obvious much too late, but the most singular difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is a solid and joy is a liquid.” So let that sink in while I wow you with some JOY. There is a lot to be said about JOY. Turns out JOY is one of those emotions people have a hard time describing. A sort of you know it when you feel it kind of thing. Comparisons are made between JOY and Happiness, and even those answers differ. Some will say that happiness is temporary,...

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This week I host for a THESE THREE THINGS segment discussion, artist, art educator and creator of the Traveling Postal Club Project, MOLLY MENG. MOLLY outlines a few of her favorite life lessons, including be kind, learn someone's name, and you are what you say you are.   Start every conversation with kindness (be kind whenever possible, it is always possible).  Learn someone's name & use it, it will change the room.  You are what you say you are. Listen HERE, it's a good one! EPISODE LINKS:MOLLY MENGINSTAGRAMFACEBOOK

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