Last week's newsletter was a doozy! Thanks so much for reading and to everyone who wrote back. I feel it too. It's not only okay to be angry, it's appropriate. Also, I really appreciate the feedback about wanting access to past newsletters. I'm happy to say I am in the process of creating a beautiful home for my newsletters and written content. It will take a bit of time to get things set how I would like, but know that it is coming. 
I wanted to take some time this week to check in with you all! I have spent the last 9 days with my computer unplugged and it has been bliss. I cannot remember the last time I literally unplugged like this. It has been a much needed break.  The dude and I took off work to get some home renovation projects started, finished and of course interrupted by the unexpected. For those of you who know the DIY renovation process you know, it can be like pulling a thread. You have to be ready for anything. But despite unexpected challenges, I am happy to say we finished a bathroom, reverse hung a set of french doors, plotted out where the Dude's office extension is going, and cleared out my studio to convert to my new office - only to discover that I recently started on a new body of work and will most likely need a fine art studio space next year! Hilarious. 
That being said, I have been finding joy in all sorts of places, so I thought I'd share my latest finds with you. Oh and thanks to everyone who has been sharing what they have done each day that feels good! I'll start sharing them soon, y'all it's illuminating and gives me hope to know that simple things like a hot shower, a good donut, and listening to birds brings you moments of joy. Thanks for sharing. 
Here's what I've been up to…
Do I really need to take a moment for the new Harry Styles album? It's so damn good. I'm a fan, you know this, but in all honesty, it's just a really enjoyable album, even if you are not completely captivated by his charm. The Dude even likes it. You can listen here. 
The kid has been really into the late-night hosts recently. So we've been clip binging which has been really fun. Here are a few of our current favorites:
Roller skating is RAD. Definitely not a news flash, but seriously, get on it. Last week a disco roller rink opened nearby and somehow we've gone almost every day. It's fun, has a pretty simple learning curve, and is like dancing on wheels. YES PLEASE. I scored some decent skates for me and the kid from Impala for less than $60 a pair on sale. Impala skates are not the best but also not the worst and are great for getting out there. You can score some here. 
Human Design. A friend introduced me to this far-out tool of self-discovery last year and I'm hooked. Part astrology, Eastern philosophy, and a touch of science, Human Design provides guidance about who we are and why we are here based on our birth place and time. Also, it's super fun. I started an official training last week and I am having a great time diving in with a group of enthusiastic learners. I'm excited to be able to offer clients deeper readings and insights based on my coursework.  It has been a really effective combination with psychologically minded coaching.  Who says you can't mix science and the mystical? 

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