In this newest THEORY segment I celebrate a year of JOY! I share my thoughts on TIME, how it is spent no matter what, and some new fun things in store for JOY in its second year. Also, there will be cake. Give a listen, it's a good one.Thanks for being here.This has been JOY IS NOW with me, Lisa Anderson Shaffer, LMFT. You can find me for hire at LISAANDERSONSHAFFER.COM and join the patronage support for this podcast and my daily practice journal, THESE THREE THINGS at You can also follow along with my musings at @lisaandersonshaffer on Instagram. A special thanks to my affiliate friends at OSEA - the makers of clean seaweed skincare. Save 10% on your OSEA purchase with this special link and code JOYISNOW10. ...
I am excited to host for a THESE THREE THINGS segment discussion, Taiwanese Canadian spirit communicator, Wu shamanic occultist, and the founder of the brand Ceremonie, focused on imparting ancient and practical wisdom to clients on the path to self discovery, MIMI YOUNG. She says, "monsters and the devil are my greatest allies."Listen in, it's a good one!This has been JOY IS NOW with me, Lisa Anderson Shaffer, LMFT. You can find me for hire at LISAANDERSONSHAFFER.COM and join the patronage support for this podcast and my daily practice journal, THESE THREE THINGS at You can also follow along with my musings at @lisaandersonshaffer on Instagram. A special thanks to my affiliate friends at OSEA - the makers of clean seaweed skincare. Save 10% on your OSEA...
J O Y I S N O W S E A S O N 1 C O N C L U D E SI honestly don't know why this podcast had to happen. I am still a bit uncertain as to why, but I've learned that if I am bursting at the seams with something, I just need to make it happen. Not worrying about the success or outcome of these endeavors is still a struggle. And then there's the question, how do we measure success? Still chewing on that one in all the ways. What I do know is that I LOVE psychology. And I really enjoy talking about it. With everyone. What I love most about this podcast and how it started,...
T H E P O D C A S T In this interesting THEORY SEGMENT I discuss my thoughts on the first steps toward change, why the former Oakland Raiders might have unlocked the secrets of the time space continuum, and why a 5 yard penalty is totally worth it. Spoiler alert, there's a 100% chance of a flag on the play.This episode is out now on Apple Podcasts and everywhere you listen, including Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon, and more to come. I'd love it if you gave it a listen and left a review and dropped some stars. It will really help others find the podcast. In the meantime, you can look for exclusives previews here each week regarding new...
T H E P O D C A S T For this exciting EMOTION SEGMENT discussion, I am delighted to host Founder of Christina Loff MArketing and PR and founder of Tweet Sweet Jewelry, CHRISTINA LOFF! Join us while we put our own Imposter Syndrome aside to discuss the cons and pros (believe it or not there are a few) to this incredibly common phenomenon.This episode is out now on Apple Podcasts and everywhere you listen, including Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon, and more to come. I'd love it if you gave it a listen and left a review and dropped some stars. It will really help others find the podcast. In the meantime, you can look for exclusives previews here each...