I want you to know, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO NOT FIND JOY IN FREE WORK.   More on that…   My essay a few weeks ago,The Cost of Free definitely struck a chord. I am still receiving emails from readers and also, DMs and comments on IG in response to the idea of true receivership.  Much of the response feels like a release. A letting go of the need to churn away in agitation. Permission to stop being part of what has come to be an expected endless cycle of free. A reevaluation of what true receivership means for each of you. I’m glad those points hit home. Along with those thoughts shared, were also comments about the joy that...

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In 2010, shortly before my daughter was born, I received a really valuable piece of advice from a hairstylist. I was getting my haircut while talking through an internal conflict I had about not really wanting to return to my psychotherapy practice as a mom. I had spent months going over the data of what returning to my private practice would look like. On paper it was dismal. With paying for my office, insurance, childcare and transportation, along with what I imagined to be a manageable caseload with a new baby, I was looking at clearing $75 a week. I should add that at the time I was charging $150 an hour, which was at the higher end of the ...

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I’ve been studying the way people learn and lead for a while now and it’s taught me quite a bit about how we integrate information. Or don’t. I speak with my mentorship clients often about the importance of understanding how we learn. I like to use the example of the Tortoise and the Hare (you can listen to an entire JOY episode about it here). Truth be told that fable is bullshit and both win the race. They just run in different ways. For some, slow and steady is a death sentence. For others feeling the pressure and stress from an impending deadline is paralyzing. Both answers are right. The key is understanding which style works best for you and then...

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Last week I enjoyed a lovely vacation. Being fully away from work is kind of a new thing for me. After years of running a product based company I spent many vacations communicating with customers here and there or doing back end work as orders continued to come in while I was elsewhere. Luckily technology made that possible, but to be honest it never really felt like I was fully stepping away from work. Even when I had handed everything off to someone else I would still get pings when I made a sale or had to reply to an urgent media request. It didn’t seem like much at the time, but after stepping away from work last week, I...

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First, I want to say thank you to everyone who wrote in with positivity and gratitude for JOY. It felt really good. And even better to have support around an ending. THANK YOU.    This week I share about my process around digging through some not so attractive ego stuff. I am always grateful to sift through the darkness, but it is a vulnerable experience nonetheless. I know many of you are on similar adventures of the psyche. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. I'm listening. Like I say, it's crowded down here in the hole. Thank goodness. Good to be with you down here.    ……………………………………………………………………………………….     When I was in high school if you cut...

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