I have always been envious of true believers on Etsy. The shops that sell religious inspired quotes, tshirts, prints and the like. Artists of faith seem to have less resistance when surrendering their artistic process to a higher purpose. Like they paint because of God’s will, or they sell bible quote pot holders because it is their life’s purpose. It brings them closer to God. As an artist, this mindset seems truly beneficial. To separate the artist from the responsibility or the burden of inspiration and ingenuity resting solely on their shoulders. If God is involved then it is not their process to bear alone. And I suppose that is one of the strongest offerings of belief. You are not...
I’m currently working through a fascinating Human Design continuing education course and my teacher suggested as we do a deep dive on specific aspects of our chart over the next few months that we relax logic and let creativity lead. And while I’m usually not into vision boards, putting logic to the side for a while sounded good. So I pulled together a stack of the only magazine we have in the house, Thrasher and got to work on a collage about parts of my chart. Turns out for better or worse, my vision board was going to have a very specific theme. I was surprised to find the process easier than I thought and I was reminded of...
Thanks to everyone who sent comments and questions inspired by last week’s newsletter. A lot of responses focused on the nervous system, so I thought I’d spend this week illuminating how and why the nervous system is such a big deal. The nervous system is a MOOD. I’ve spent the last 6 months doing a deep dive into the how and why of this delicate and powerful system and I’ll say this, she’s a bit of a temperamental bitch. There are many entry points to understanding how this incredible system both serves us and holds us back, but let’s start with the basics. When I refer to the nervous system, I’m talking about the sympathetic and the parasympathetic...
ROLLER COASTERS Hi everyone! Welcome to 2023! Full disclosure, I have not made a single resolution. Per last week, I will not be making a single resolution and the only intention I have for 2023 is to let it unfold. I’ve been doing quite a bit of work on myself these past few months. I’m always exploring, experimenting and trying new techniques. Not only for me, but also for my clients. I am a firm believer in walking the walk and talking the talk. Everything I recommend, I’ve personally done, whether it is a method, process, or technique. This stems from my days as an adolescent psychotherapist. Kids want to know that things are safe. What better way...
NOTHING You don’t need to do anything. You do not need to put yourself through the task of reevaluation just because the calendar has turned. You do not need to reflect on the past 365 days right after a major string of holidays that are real triggering for a lot of us. It’s kind of hilarious actually. If we look at the data, the new year is the worst time to put ourselves through a gauntlet of aspirational self discovery. So if you are out there thinking you need to have a plan for 2023, or a word - don't you just love those? - or a theme, a manifestation, an organizational system, on and on....