Sharon Zimmerman is a Bay Area metalsmith, ethical jewelry designer, small business consultant and educator, and total 100% unabashed JOY. Sharon has appeared twice on JOY, episode 4 featuring a discussion about RAGE and episode 39 featuring a discussion about MONEY. In general I know Sharon to be all in when it comes to life. She is authentic, incredibly intelligent, and one hundred percent unapologetic about being a super star, kick ass woman. A conversation with Sharon means finding humor in the absurdities of the human condition, enthusiasm for taking action against injustices, and drawing well researched conclusions about what Marvel Universe character is the most desirable. It's always a good conversation. Mostly though, Sharon inspires me as an activist. She has a...
The morning my daughter was born, as I was holding her to my chest for the very first time, the doctor leaned in toward my husband and I to share some sage advice. "It's your job to worry," he said to me. Then turning toward my husband, "it's your job to take care of her while she worries." As we sat there in the hospital gazing upon this beautiful little new being, the doctor's words floated away in the air. I watched him leave the room and shortly after, we were tasked with what would become years of all the little things one does to and for a small child. It was a beginning. A big one. And worry...
Trauma can convince us that small changes are big and last forever. I had my booster shot last week and what you probably don't know about me, is that when I was 15 I spent nearly 8 months in bed. My body had suddenly shut down and it became difficult to even lift my arms. After about 3 months of investigation, my condition was finally diagnosed as Epstein Barr Virus over a long list of other possibilities. I'm still not entirely sure what that means but I know enough to say with certainty that I would not wish the experience on anyone, especially a vibrant 15 year old girl who was finally getting to know herself. I...