One of my favorite psychoanalysts, Marion Milner wrote a brilliant book, On Not Being Able to Paint. The book is a result of her 1950's study focusing on creativity and the multiple forces that get in the way of its expression. It is one of my favorite books and shines a light on Milner's ability to both hold space for her own process around creativity, the process of her patients, and the process of creativity within a greater system. In my own creative process the book has been integral in moving through dry spells and reframing being stuck as just another part of the creative process.    When I am stuck in process, be it creativity or life, I now have...

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NOTHING IS SOMETHING I've written here before about not being able to write. How it can feel frustrating, liberating, stuck, or a movement. And for whatever reason this month, I had nothing.    Actually I had something, but that something took priority over the rush of energy I usually have for writing. Instead of making time for writing this month, I've been skateboarding. A lot. And it has been fun. Not in the same way that writing feeds me, but, I am fed nonetheless. And learning to understand what had been a very dormant part of me, an athlete. And the full I get from moving my body is very different than how it feels to be satisfied by using...

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